Bring Wall Street to you...Many work at home programs with the Wall Street feel....
Sunday, November 20, 2011
10 Minute Forex Wealth Builder!
Check it out!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
The Forex Revolution
Check it out!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Intensive Forex
Aggressive forex trading secret to create instant paydays! This step-by-step guide lowers your trading risk and teaches the top forex trading strategies used by the pros.
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FX Retribution taking a big Hit
The recovery amounts is kept internally.Let's see how quickly it can make it all the way back.
Best Forex Trading Signals - 40% Monthly Commission!
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Thursday, November 17, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Forex Magnates Retail Forex Industry Report Q1 2011
Forex Magnates is the premier source of forex industry news. Forex Magnates quarterly report is your ABC guide to retail forex including invaluable industry overview and forecast, news, broker information and forex yellow pages of software providers.
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Forex Trading 4 Newbies -21 Video Training Course- 75% Commission!
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Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Forex Over Drive: A Forex Robot that Delivers Results
A reliable forex trading robot that generates extraordinary returns while you sleep. Easy to setup, anyone can use it, requires no knowledge of the forex industry.
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Monday, November 14, 2011
Stackers Forex - Forex Trading Signals Membership - NetWorth Builder
Forex Trading Signals Membership - Stackers Forex - How One Forex Trader Cracked the Code to Discovering a New Forex Way of Trading for Stacking Pips for Potential Net Worth Building from Forex
Check it out!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Fat Forex Profits v2 Trading System
No matter whether you are a complete novice or experienced in currency trading, this low cost, easy to follow forex trading software can help to enhance your trading performance!
Check it out!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Forex Godfather
The Most Revolutionary EA Ever Discovered In Forex... Check it out!
This is the place for anyone interested in learning how to invest forex in a simple and professional. After reading this e-book look at how you begin to earn quickly and easily!
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Friday, November 11, 2011
Forex Trading Machine
Revolutionary and unique method to generate $500 per day trading the forex market. Three systems in one course!
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Thursday, November 10, 2011
Million Dollar Pips 1.2.0 - What have you done for me lately?
Meanwhile, the team of Forex Shocker, FX Retribution, and Forex Megadroid on the Hotforex platform has gone from $10,000 to over $15,000 in two months.Good job guys.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Laying Out The Path Of Success Through Disciplines In Forex Trading
Why talk about Forex Discipline?
We all know that without following a proper discipline and a laid out method in any monetary transaction, we would be surely doomed to failure. Money management is not possible without following a proper discipline. Losses are inevitable to follow. To achieve success one should follow discipline and the same applies to forex transactions too.
Keeping Oneself in the Self Discipline Mode
The biggest application of Forex Trading is that it provides opportunity for immediate wealth creation. But, this can materialize only for those who approach the foreign exchange market equipped with Forex Trading strategies. The strategies should be well organized, unique and tactful so that it is easily understood by anyone in this complicated world.
The best foreign exchange trading disciplines
There is a school of thought existing amongst some Forex traders who believe that the very best traders have complicated Forex trading strategies and are simply blessed with an intensely developed Market sense. Forex trading discipline will reduce your risk, but only if you have the discipline to stick with them. Traders who are undisciplined can turn the most sophisticated trading plans into confusion.
The best Forex traders take the time to observe market patterns and put together strategies which raise their chances of making money. Forex traders always enter into a trade having an exit strategy. They set their getting in price, and they set their getting out price. The best Forex traders never turn to be greedy. They are long term traders.
Forex trading strategies are only as good as the discipline of the trader who employs them. Only one can be successful in Forex trading when one uses risk capital and who continuously sticks to the plan. The other information on Forex discipline can be collected from
Shift towards Forex trading
Nowadays, Forex trading is vastly becoming a career option for many people. It offers flexible hours, work from home option and high income potential. Today 90% of all new business initiatives fail because of many reasons such as under capitalization, no clear trading plan, poor management skills, and lack of discipline. To work off a successful business plan, new business owners are willing to pay additional dollars for a franchise because a franchise offers a true business plans.
One need not work hard to win in Forex trading. You only need to have the right knowledge for it. Mostly, people think that they can learn about trading through internet where the information is collected free of cost. But trading is a discipline and to learn it, one needs to follow a specific process. To have an advisor for advice and guidance can be dangerous at times. Thus, to achieve success in Forex trading one should be well prepared and well planned.
Forex Trading And Pricing Explained
"... you referred to the currency exchange cash market and the fact that this is basically a market between banks across countries. Does this mean that, for example, the EURO/USD exchange rate is set between the Federal Reserve and the ECB? Is that how a price is established without the benefit of any trading on any listed exchange anywhere else? Thanks for the brief education on this particular point." - Stan Z.
The forex spot market is primarily an "interbank" market. That means the majority of the trading volume is done bank-to-bank such as between Citibank and Goldman Sachs, for example. This trading is generally done on behalf of banking customers such as multinational corporations, though the banks also trade with each other both to hedge their currency exposure and to take on trading positions.
This sort of market structure is the same as the one for most cash market government debt trading, such as that for US Treasury Bonds and the like. You can think of it like the over-the-counter market for stocks. Those trades don't go through an exchange, but are done directly broker-to-broker.
In both forex and fixed income there are big players like hedge funds that take part along with the commercial and investment banks. The world's central banks are also major participants at this level in their attempts to influence exchange rates (forex) and/or interest rates (fixed income).
The transaction sizes in the interbank market are large - generally $5 million and up. Obviously, the average individual trader is not going to be trading anywhere near that big. That's where the online brokers and forex dealers come in to play. They allow small traders to do transactions in significantly lower amounts. In fact, there is at least one which will do trades as small as $1.
Here is where some folks get a bit nervous. Many of these forex dealers actually act as market makers with their clientele. By that I mean they take the other side of the trades that are done by their customers. This is something which can sometimes happen in the stock market as well, especially with OTC stocks. The concern that folks have with this is the implied conflict of interest in terms of price execution that creates. Is a dealer who will be taking the other side of your trade going to be acting in your best interest when you put on a trade?
While it may be true that some unscrupulous dealers may take advantage of their customers in that way, I am quite confident that most of them are not acting against their customers. They simply provide liquidity to the market and earn the spread to do so. When they have an excessive exposure to any particular currency, they offset it by hedging in the interbank market or with another dealer. That's basically the same as a floor trader on any exchange.
Getting to the question of how prices get set, the market does that, not the central banks. Each individual bank and dealer is actually setting its own price. That might sound a bit strange in that it would create different rates all over the place. The fact of the matter is, however, that prices between dealers and banks are almost always going to be very, very close. There are services such as Reuters where dealer prices are aggregated and presented in data feeds, allowing everyone to know the current (and historical) market rates. Arbitrage trading keeps dealers from quoting prices too far away from each other.
There is also trading in the futures market, and the relatively new currency exchange traded funds (ETFs). The activity there, while only a small fraction of the global market volume, also contributes to keeping prices in line across the board.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Forex Home Trader – Facts You Need To Know About Trading Forex
Every currency has it own three-letter symbol that will represent that country of the currency that is being traded. For example, the Japanese Jen is the JPY and the United Stated dollar is USD. So you will note that these currencies are always quoted as USD/JPY
These trades are facilitated through a Forex broker, with whom you will sign up, in order to get your own online trading account. It is strongly advised that you first sign up for a “Demo” trading account where you can trade currencies in a simulated environment – so none of your own funds will be used in “real time”. This type of account is excellent for developing your own trading strategy and for you to get the feel for the markets; it also prepares you for trading your own funds in a “Live” account. Warning! The degree of discomfort in trading in “Demo” mode varies greatly from “Live” trading as there is quite a difference between trading “cyber money” and trading your own funds “Real time”. Sign up for various “Demo” accounts at various brokers and test drive their online trading software or trading platforms – make sure that you start trading with the software you are most comfortable with, it is only in you own interest!
Be very aware of the following: You can lose some or all your funds in trading the Forex market! This market is extremely fast and some times very volatile! – ensure that you complete at least a comprehensive Forex trading course and try to enlist the help of a seasoned Forex trader that you can use as a mentor, before starting to trade actively in the market. To lose a lot of money in a trade when the market goes against you is not easy, you must be mentally strong to absorb you losses and have the drive to learn out of your mistakes!
Ensure that the broker or Forex Company which you decide to trade through is fully authorized to deal in Forex. In the United States, numerous rigid new laws and regulations regarding the trade of Forex for US citizens are being implemented. If you are searching the internet for a Forex broker, ensure that you read the “fine print” on their brochure, proposal or website – make sure that your company or broker is legal.
Before entering any trade make sure that you did your homework, did you do Fundamental analysis of the markets – take a look at your economic calendar, what are the other countries doing? Will there be announcements that will influence the currency you are going to trade? Did you decide where your entry and exit point will be? Do not forget to set your stop loss! Otherwise your trade can be disastrous for you if the market turns against you and you don’t get out of your trade in time.
Remember that by preparing yourself well before entering any trade in Forex, can only benefit your own pocket, so be informed and enjoy Forex Trading!
Forex Trading: Good Opportunity Or Scam?
Fortunately, thanks to new legislation written in the late 1990’s, forex brokerages have opened up to the general public and offer trading opportunities for anyone who has an interest in trading currencies for profit. In fact, many brokers allow traders to open and trade currency with as little as $250 dollars in an account.
Regrettably, all of these new currency trading opportunities have created a lot of hype around the forex. Some of this hype includes magic trading formulas, “easy” indicators and expert trend predictors. There are now countless currency brokerages enticing potential traders to open accounts and start trading today. Many people have started to get the feeling that trading currency is more of a scam then anything else. We strongly disagree with this notion and are certain that the forex market has much to offer investors. However, before your take you paycheck and head down to the nearest brokerage to open your forex account, may we make some important suggestions before you enter the currency market?
First, there are thousands of websites with information, terminology, trading strategies and more. We recommend researching several of them as you begin to explore the basics of what the forex is. Brokers often will offer information about the forex, but realize that they are also trying to get you to open an account. Aside from brokerage sites, there are several informational sites and a few forex education companies on the market that offer good information without the pressure of signing up for a “live” trading account.
Second, read some books. Most of the professional forex traders operate using a combination of Japanese candlestick charts and other complex indicators to determine the direction of a particular currency pair. Find books about technical analysis trading, candlestick charts and other methodological indicators. Remember that when you are buying currency it is like buying a stock in a nation or country. Learn about different countries economic announcements, interest reports, and job indicators. These are highly relevant factors that help indicate a currencies direction.
At this point, it may be time for you to open a demo account with the broker of your choice. This will help you get familiar with trading platforms and basic charts. Practice making some “demo trades”. Even after doing some basic homework you will find that you fell like you areflying by the seat of your pants” during your trades. At this humbling point in your new forex trading career you realize its time to take a forex training course.
There are many forex training courses on the market today. They come in many forms including seminars, home study courses, interactive online courses, and class room education., one such forex training course has found that the best education courses use all of these methods in their training regime. They feel that a program should include a minimum of 20 hours of home study to teach the basic principles of forex trading. Next a student would need to observe the market in action, without necessarily making trades. To do this, an interactive online class is necessary to help you tie in all the information and begin to apply it to live market conditions. Onsite classes then further reiterate the fundamentals of trading forex and help the student discover a trading strategy that fits his or her personality, financial status and risk tolerance. Finally, working with a highly skilled forex mentor, again during live market sessions, is critical to help the student understand the psychological part of trading. These mentors would also help students create an advanced trading system and analyze the market minute by minute.
Most successful traders have spent years developing good trading habits and learning the hard way how to take advantage of currency volatility. We strongly recommend you follow these steps as you begin to investigate investment opportunities in the forex market.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Forex Trading And The Stock Market - Similarities And Differences
That is one difference. But there are also plenty of similarities. Since most people have a relatively strong understanding of the stock market, and many may be considering a move from the stock market to the forex, this article will explore the differences and similarities between the two financial markets.
As noted above, there are no commissions on forex trades. This is because everything is done electronically. In fact, there is no physical place known as "the forex" -- it exists entirely in cyberspace. That makes for much lower overhead, hence the "free trades" (see similarities for why trades aren't exactly free), and also allows for a twenty-four-hours a day trading platform, five-and-a-half days a week.
Secondly, while many stock-market investors use margin, most don't. In the forex, everyone uses margin -- and to a much larger degree than anyone uses it in the stock market. In the stock market, margin is capped at 50%. This means that if you have $5,000 in your account, the maximum value of stock you can purchase is $10,000. But in the forex, typical margin ratios are 100:1, meaning you can control $100,000 of worth of currency with just $1,000 in your account! This is one of the major appeals of the forex.
Thirdly, while there are 13,000+ stocks for stock-market investors to follow (and even more mutual funds, ETFs, etc.), there are essentially eight major currencies (and only seven currency pairs) for forex traders to follow.
Well, forex trades aren't exactly "free." Just like in the stock market, there is a bid/ask spread. What this means it that the market maker will pay you less for a currency than the price for which he is willing to sell it to you. For example, you may be able to buy $1 in U.S. currency for $1.0905 in Canadian money, but when you want to turn around and buy back Canadian dollars, you will have to pay more than one U.S. dollar to get back your 1.0905 Canadian dollars.
Perhaps the biggest similarity between the stock market and the forex is the use of technical analysis -- also known as "chartology." Technical analysis principles hold up no matter what asset is being traded, so if you've become a master candlestick-reading stock trader, you can easily apply your talents to the forex.
Finally, when placing a trade, many of the same options are available in the forex as in the stock market. Limit orders -- which set the maximum price you're willing to pay or the minimum price you're willing to receive -- can be used in the forex just as with stocks, as can stop losses.
In Conclusion...
There are a lot of similarities between the stock market and the forex, and some experience trading stocks is a good thing to have under your belt. But far superior is experience actually trading currencies, and this is not a Catch-22. You can trade currencies before you really join the forex by opening a forex practice account. Most forex brokers offer these accounts, free of charge, which let you get your feet wet without the risk of getting soaked. Learn all you can about the forex, try out your strategies in a practice account, and in little time at all, you'll be ready to swim with the big fish in the biggest pond in all of finance -- the forex!
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Forex Currency Trading System – Choosing The Best System For You
Sure, you could rely on the sales pitch on the sites of the various software vendors. But you really need to do some more research. This is a big decision and choosing the wrong system could affect the profits you make from your currency dealings.
The sales site will give you a features list. That's a good start. Check through the features and see whether there's anything missing. Check them against the features shown on other sites – that's when you will start to notice subtle differences in the various system offerings.
Next, see if you can get access to a demo version of the systems you are interested in. Some of the sites will ask for your email and other details before they will let you have access to a demonstration. That's OK – there is legislation to protect you from being bombarded by emails forever.
Make sure that you will be undisturbed when you take your demo or tour of the system. This needs your full concentration!
Go through all the different things on offer. Decide whether you like the layout of the screen as well as the depth of information available. Maybe the system has different modes so that as you get more proficient, you can turn on extra details and features that would only confuse you when you are just starting out.
Do this for each of the different systems that you are interested in.
Chances are, one system will stand out as being the one for you.
But don't open your wallet yet!
Go back to your favorite search engine and check what other people have said about the system. You're looking for negatives and positives. Ideally, you should be able to find reviews on some forum sites where you can go back over time. You may get a sense of how well supported the system is and how often it is updated. When there are bugs, how fast do they get fixed?
Once you've got all this information, you should be ready to take the plunge and start making cash on the Forex markets.
Unbeatable Tips You Need To Successfully Make Money Online!
These days finding a new job within your city or town is incredibly hard. Those who hold college degrees are even applying at places that sell fast burgers and fries. However, if you have some knowledge of the internet and hot it works, there are plenty of ways to make money online without leaving your home. These are the top 6 tips that will guide you through the marketable world of the internet!
Those who have the skills of graphic and web design may want to look into outsourcing their work. There are plenty of small businesses and large corporations that are constantly looking for a fill-in. Outsourcing has become the best way for businesses to save money and the best way for freelancers to get the maximum amount of work they are looking for. Web design jobs can easily be found through a number of websites that post jobs daily.
If you are still gearing towards freelancing then why not try writing? Plenty of foreign countries are in need of native English writers and speakers. If you have these skills and you know how to write, then you have a lucrative job position on your hands. These outsourcing jobs are great for those who would love to have a flexible schedule and still make a great living.
You can take your writing and make it stretch by creating your very own blog. Believe it or not, blogging has become one of the most popular ways to get information. People all over the world turn to blogs and if you have something interesting to write about, then get it out there! Online blog sites are free to sign up and come with many outlets that you can use at your disposal to make your blog earn money. Those who write blogs each week see a significant amount of revenue each month.
If your skills do not lie within writing or designing but with online gaming, online poker is along great way to make money. There are many of people all over the logging into their favorite online poker sites and actually winning! If you know the game you do not have to travel to a casino just to see some winnings. In fact, most players that make a living at online poker have no issues paying bills or making time for life in general.
Online auction sites are another great way to pull in some extra income. While you may be able to get a couple of hundred for what you have lying around the house, the best way to make money is through wholesale buying. You can catch your local department store and buy every clearance item that you can afford. From there you will simply turn it around and sell it online for a higher price and make your money!
If you have nothing but time, online surveys are very popular among college students and stay at home mothers. People have been able to make a couple of hundred dollars each month simply by sitting down and filling out surveys online. Each survey averages out to about $3 each, but that can add up quickly!
These methods will help you make money without having to spend a lot of your own money. Take a look around online and see what outlets you might qualify for. There are hundreds of tasks that you can find that will give you a steady check so start looking around today!
These are just some of the ways of making money online. Look around, try a bunch of things. You will be amazed by/at what is out there waiting for you.
Thank you and i hope this has helped you.
Good luck
Rich M. is an internet marketer and has been working from home for 2 years now Making Money Online Article Submission by Article Submission Express
Forex Education: You’ll Be Sorry If You Don’t
And the advent of both electronic trading and the Internet have taken Forex education out of the hands of the financial movers and shakers, and made digital stock and currency trading as accessible to the masses as online banking. Anyone with a personal computer, Internet access, and the ability to read can get a sound Forex education.
A Look Back
A hundred years ago, even though the currency trading market was far from new, it was stable. Speculation in currencies was unheard of, and news traveled slowly. Deteriorating economic conditions in one part of the globe did not have nearly the same catastrophic effect on worldwide markets as they sometimes have today, and the relative value of international currencies simply did not fluctuate on a daily basis.
The Forex Today
But with the introduction of the Euro, and its relationship to the US dollar, the Forex market saw explosive growth. As more and more people turned to currency trading as a part of their investment portfolios, Forex education became more and more essential.
Anyone who decides to begin trading currency without spending some time on Forex education is almost guaranteed a quick and bloody exit. There are so many aspects of Forex trading which should be at least understood, if not mastered, before an investor begins trading that those who fail to study them will soon be lunch for those who know what they are doing.
Learning to read currency charts and technical analysis, at the very least, will provide minimal Forex education, but very minimal. Getting into Forex trading without Forex education is akin to deciding to take a raft trip down the Amazon without a map of South America, and a compass. It’s a jungle out there.
Both the enormous size and liquidity of the Forex market have attracted millions of players who think they can bet the trends, which are usually pronounced. Another almost irresistible enticement which the Forex trading offers is its huge leverage ratios; Forex brokers will allow their clients to be leveraged by as much a 100:1.
And with that enormous leverage ratio, or course, comes enormous risk. For those who have not taken the time to work on their Forex education and understand what risk management is all about, being so highly leveraged will find them on a roller coaster of profits and losses. By treating themselves to some Forex education, they would realize that even the best, most seasoned Forex traders take it on the chin from time to time. For more info see on Forex Online Trading.
The most important lesson in Forex education? Never play the Forex market with money that is not risk capital. That way, if you lose, you’ll live to fight another day.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Forex Currency Trading Online: 5 Steps To Avoid The Common Tragedy
This is a very sad tragedy that good people experience everyday. The problem isn't that people lack the intelligence or ability, nor is currency trading online impossible to master. It is that they skip steps in their development.
Forex currency trading online offers a very real and very achievable opportunity for those that will simply follow the proper steps to reach their goal of consistent profits and approach the matter in a sensible manner. There are several components to a trader’s development in becoming the confident trader that produces consistent profits.
Gaps in a trader’s education will have to be filled before the end-goal is achieved, just like price gaps as in the markets.
The primary reason that the statistic in currency trading online exists is because those that lose money don't focus on developing themselves and their Forex currency trading online business. They choose to focus almost exclusively on making money right now. Thus the gaps cause them to lose their money before they’ve filled their educational and developmental gaps.
Second-wave traders are people that have blown out their account, or come close enough to realize this, and subsequently take a more business-like and realistic approach to their currency trading online.
So that they can have better chances of success the second (or third) time around, they pay attention to the fact that they missed some steps and now consciously pursue them. They don't want to repeat the vicious cycle of regular and repeated large losses that they experienced as first-wave traders.
There are five steps to avoid the tragedy so commonly found in Forex currency trading online.
Step 1. Develop a thorough understanding of currency trading online. This means what the markets are really about, what drives them, how to read a price chart, how to properly plan trades, how to identify good setups, entries, exits, etc. The basics are essential to master.
Step 2. Seek out the mistakes made by others. There are over 39 different mistakes commonly made by traders. This means that there are numerous opportunities to lose money in currency trading online.
If you don’t make yourself aware of mistakes made by others, then that leaves you open to making them yourself – and you'll pay the price when you make them. Learn from the mistakes of others and save both money and regret.
Step 3. You've heard that you should treat your trading like the business that it is. The problem is that if you haven't run a business before you may not know how to go about it. Any endeavor engaged on a regular basis for profit is a business. Even the government looks at it this way.
The more structured a business is, such as your currency trading online, and the more it includes sensible formalities such as reporting, the more consistent it will become. This is the end goal of most traders – consistent profits – so treating it as a business will surely help in achieving that goal. There are resources available on sites such as YouTube, so seek them out.
Step 4. In addition to having a system for selecting and placing trades, you should systemize what you do in your currency trading online. This goes right along with treating your trading as a business, but in more detail and from more of an operational perspective.
Systemizing what you do will bring repeatability and predictability to your activity, and this is desirable in trading as well.
Step 5. Manage your your emotions as they are often the cause of large losses and missed profits, even for veteran traders. It is not necessary to try to be a inhuman and “turn off” your emotions.
By educating yourself on the psychology of trading to have an understanding of how your emotions play into your decision-making process and what factors affect your currency trading online, this will again help you achieve the goal of consistency.
Forex currency trading online presents a tremendous opportunity for people that will simply approach the endeavor from a business like and long term perspective. Most who enter currency trading online, do so very ignorant of what it takes and this is quite understandable, as it is something totally new to them.
Educate yourself and seek out the developmental resources to help you through these five steps to ensure that you give yourself the best chances of realizing what currency trading online has to offer. Make sure you give yourself a happy ending.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Learn Forex Based On Your Preferred Trading Analysis
Many people learn Forex trading because of the potential charting possibilities. As the Forex is such a large market, there is considerable historical data as well as masses of new data being produced every single day. Data analysts and trend spotters will be in numerical heaven with Forex trading because of the nearly limitless possibilities. Technical analysis is the study of technical data, or numbers. This data usually consists of historical price trends and correlations between one currency and another.
Another form of analysis is fundamental analysis. The Forex market movements are all determined by a number of fundamentals. These fundamentals can be in the shape of unemployment figures or other government statistics, or they could be in the shape of an outbreak of war or a natural disaster. All of these factors will inevitably lead to a movement in the Forex market. Fundamental analysts study fundamentals and then apply their own forecasts to the current market, producing a view on currency moves.
Inter-market analysis is something of a paradox in comparison. It is different to both of these methods but also contains elements of both. This may sound confusing but inter-market analysis concentrates on the resulting effect that a change in another traded market, such as the Gold market, will have on the Foreign Exchange market. Inter-market analysts may choose to concentrate on the fundamental aspect of other markets or, more likely, on the technical data they provide.
To learn Forex properly it will be necessary to at least understand each of these methods. Some traders choose to use two or more forms of analysis in order to give more detailed results. In a way, because some fundamental analysts will study the historical effects of certain occurrences they also incorporate a degree of technical analysis into their own analysis. This is a well-rounded method of Forex trading and anyone looking to learn Forex should consider something similar.
The Forex Trader Education website has a list of tutorials to help guide all Forex students through the course of learning to trade on the Forex market. It also provides analyses from industry experts in the pages of the Synergetic Trading newsletter. is a database of useful information that has helped many students go on from their education to become successful traders. They also have a powerful software package that generates forecasts with an impressive 80% accuracy; this is almost unrivaled by any other trading software.
Avoiding Forex Market Risks
Currently, the trades occurring in Forex markets across the globe is well more than $1.9 trillion each day on average. However, the individual or retail traders make up only a small part of this market, and they often trade through a third party such as a Forex broker or a bank. This means the market mostly includes sophisticated traders who know what they are doing.
In fact, when some individual investors begin trading in the Forex market it can all seem a bit daunting. The learning curve can be steep if you cannot master the fundamentals, and you can easily lose more money than you can afford if you are not careful. However, some people can learn fast and they can master the basics of the market quickly. If you are not one of the fast learners, you may have beginners luck and your first few trades can make you money. But you should not depend on luck to survive for more than your first few trades. You need a solid foundation to recoup your capital and make a decent income from your trades.
There are many financial instruments which you can use for trading on the currency market. These include forwards and futures, options and spread betting. All of which are similar to those used in equity markets. However, as these instruments maintain a minimum trade size to the base currencies, a margin is included with each trading account.
Volatility is the essence of the currency market. Values for individual currencies rise and fall with news and information happening around the world. Sometimes the fall in a currency can be swift and can help to wipe out your entire account before you can react. So you must prepare for risks if you decide to trade on the Forex market. The market can change suddenly all because of decisions made by some government or corporation in a distant part of the world. A terrorist attack such as that which occurred on 9/11 did not only affect the Forex market in the US but the world over.
Therefore, if you want to become a successful investor in the Forex market, you must learn the fundamentals about the market and the currencies you wish to trade. Also, read press releases and other financial and political news from around the world. You will do do well by learning how to read graphs and charts about these individual currencies, Finally, sign up for a demo account with a broker and learn how to trade without using real money.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Forex Currency Pairs
• EUR/USD, the Euro and the U.S. dollar
• USD/CHF, the U.S. dollar and the Swiss franc (sometimes called “the Swissie”)
• GBP/USD, the pound sterling of Great Britain and the U.S. dollar (sometimes called “the cable”)
• USD/JPY, the U.S. dollar and the Japanese yen
• USD/CAD, the U.S. dollar and the Canadian dollar
• AUD/USD, the Australian dollar and the U.S. dollar
These pairs account for 80% of all trades in the Forex market. They all involve the U.S. dollar, because it’s still the biggest economy in the world and one of the most inviting to trade. But this is also a holdover from the Bretton Woods Accord of 1944, which pegged all currencies to the U.S. dollar as a benchmark. Although the Accord was abandoned in the early 1970s, some of its effects are still evident in the market.
The first currency in the pair is known as the base currency, and it’s the important one. Its value is always one in the exchange rate, and it controls the direction of the trade and the chart. The second currency is called the cross.
For example, in the GBP/USD, the British pound is the base currency and the U.S. dollar is the cross. If the price on this pair is 1.7609, that means that one pound is worth 1.7609 U.S. dollars. If the chart goes up, that means the pound is strengthening against the dollar; if it goes down, the dollar is strengthening against the pound.
Because a purchase automatically includes two currencies, one being traded against the other, it’s just as possible to make a profit in a bear market as a bull market. For the same reason, there’s no prohibition against selling short in Forex trading as there is in the stock market; it’s built into the system.
Prices are measured in pips, which is an acronym for Price Interest Point, and it’s the smallest digit in the price. This is an important point, because not all pips are created equally; they reflect the base currency of the pair. If the U.S. dollar is the base currency, then one pip equals one dollar in a mini account or ten dollars in a standard account. If you place a trade with one of these currencies and earn fifty pips, that would be a profit of $50 in a mini account or $500 in a standard one.
But if the base currency is not the U.S. dollar, then the value of one pip is equal to one unit of the base currency. In the GBP/USD, because the pound sterling is the base currency, one pip is equal to one pound; in the AUD/USD, one pip equals one Australian dollar. Therefore, when you take profits in these currencies, you’re taking them in the base currency, which then must be exchanged into the U.S. dollar at the current exchange rate.
If the exchange rate is one or more, then this works in favor of U.S. traders; but if the value is below one, it’s not such a good thing. For example, a gain of fifty pips in the GBP/USD equals not U.S. $50, but £50. If the exchange rate was still 1.7609, then the profit after conversion would be around U.S. $88.
But a gain of fifty pips in the AUD/USD equals AU $50, and the exchange rate is more likely to be around 0.7467. So the profit would be closer to U.S. $37.
Forex—how Can I Put The Odds In My Favor?
1. Only trade at end of day
2. Avoid over-trading
3. Do not read FX reports
4. Back-test, back-test, back-test!
All investors are tempted to believe that they must constantly be “in the know” or risk getting caught out of position. Thus, these dedicated investors may sit in front of a computer screen all day and monitor their investments for fluctuations. For those living in North America, the end of the business day is 5 p.m. EST or 2 p.m. on the West coast and this really is the best time to consider trading—and note the word consider!
At the end of the business day, there are two factors in your favor: First, traffic tends to be down so there are fewer chances for price fluctuations. Second, if you wait until the end of the business day, then you can look at information flowing in from the East to help guide your decisions.
Over-trading is basically like going back and back to a casino thinking your odds are actually improving—because they are not! Over-trading increases your chances of jumping into a position too late and getting burned or out of position too early and missing out on profits. Put stops in place that can safeguard you from losing more than you can afford—and then let them alone and relax!
Reading what someone else says about the outlook on the market is going to do one thing: cause you to question your strategy. None of us are going to get it right every time and no one can predict the future so reading those reports can only harm, not help, once you have purchased a position. If you are going to read those reports, do so before buying in—after that, just leave them be.
Investors buy and sell positions based upon their theory of the market and where a particular currency pair is headed. While you should not change your stops while already having a position, you can certainly continue to test your theory by back-testing. People capitalize in the Forex market by identifying trends and buying a position on that trend and riding it for as long as possible. Continuous back-testing helps investors hone their theory and better identify trends quickly and take advantage of them for profit.
The Forex market may be the largest and most volatile—but it also holds the greatest potential for profit. The few tips listed above will help ensure your success in Forex trading and they will greatly enhance your odds of success. Be sure to review them carefully!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Forex Trading - Finding The Best Time To Trade
As a trader, you would want to grab the opportunity to earn lots of money and of course, start a trading career in Forex. The Forex market, as mentioned before, is the largest and the most liquid financial market in the world. Unlike the stock market and other financial market, Forex has no centralized location as it operates 24 hours a day at different locations around the world. Trades in this financial market are done through an electronic network.
In the past, because of the high financial requirements, Forex was only limited to large multinational corporations and financial institutions, such as banks. However, because of the advancement of the communications technology and also the existence of high speed internet, Forex in the late 90s is now available for everyone who is interested in trading in the Forex market.
Forex trading, for a beginner trader, is simply the buying and selling of different currencies of the world. This may seem simple enough for everyone, but you should also consider that a lot of inexperienced traders and some experienced traders have suffered huge financial losses in Forex.
You should always keep in mind that aside from the fact that Forex can give you a great money-making potential, Forex also has equal risks. Therefore, before you enter this market and trade, you should first consider a few things in order for you be successful in this money making venture.
First of all, you have to know how to trade currencies. In Forex trading, all you need is a personal computer with an active internet connection, a funded Forex account and a Forex trading system. There are numerous websites that offer Forex trading. In order to start trading, you have to open and fund an account first with your chosen website. After that, you can now start trading in the most liquid market in the world.
You need to have a fast internet connection in order to keep up with the updates and price movements and prevent slippages from happening. Another thing you have to consider is that as much as possible, you should register in a Forex website that offer dummy accounts so that you can practice your skills and strategies in Forex trading.
Now that you know how to trade in the Forex market, the next thing you need to know is what to trade. The Forex market involved different currencies from all over the world. It is also traded in forms of currency pairs. Here are the different currency pairs that you should consider trading in the Forex market:
These are the most commonly traded currency pairs in the Forex market. It is up to you to determine which currency pair you want to trade depending on market conditions. If you do it right, you can be sure that you can earn a substantial amount of income.
The next and last thing you should consider is when you have to trade in the Forex market. Since the Forex market is open 24 hours a day, you can trade whenever you like. And, since it is the most liquid, you can get out whenever you like. It is just a matter of knowing if the market condition is profitable or if it is falling.
Forex traders are mostly speculators who try to predict which currency is going to increase in value and which currency will decrease in value. Speculators use Forex charts to spot a trend and determine when a particular currency will increase or decrease in value.
Now that you know how to trade in the Forex market, you can now open a funded account and start trading currencies.
Always remember that in all trades done in the financial market, you should also expect to suffer from losses. You should be prepared to deal with it and accept it. This is why you need a substantial amount of money to trade in Forex.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Forex Trading: Do You Have It In You
When one deals in forex trading the profit or loss, he incurs is the increased or decreased value of an investment caused solely by currency movements. For example, if an investor thought that the US dollar was weak, he might purchase German Mark. The investor's, the real profit or loss could then be in how the Mark moves against the US$.
Being the largest financial market in the world, the Forex market has a volume of more than $1.5 trillion daily. Also the Forex market, unlike other financial markets, has no permanent location, no central exchange and just happens ‘Over the Counter.’ It operates through an electronic network of large banks, central banks, currency speculators, multinational corporations, governments and other financial markets and institutions. Retail traders are individuals who are a small part of this market. They participate indirectly through brokers or banks.
The foreign exchange market is unique because of its trading volume, the extreme liquidity, the large number and variety of traders in the market, its geographical dispersion, its long trading hours i.e. 24 hours a day and a host of factors that affect exchange rates etc.
Currencies are traded against one another. Each pair of currencies are traditionally noted as XXX/YYY, where YYY is the ISO 4217 international three-letter code of the currency into which the price of one unit of XXX currency is expressed. For example, EUR/USD is the price of the euro expressed in US dollars, as in 1 euro = 1.2045 dollar.
73 % of the forex trading is done by 10 top international banks. These large banks continually provide the market with both “bid or buy” and “ask or sell” prices. The difference between the price at which a bank or broker will sell and the price at which a broker will buy from a wholesale customer is called the “spread”. This spread is very less for actively traded pairs of currencies, usually only 1-3 pips. One pip is the smallest unit of price move used in forex trading. For example, if the currency pair EUR/USD is currently trading at 1.4000 and then the exchange rate changes to 1.4010, the pair did a 10 pips move. The pip is the smallest unit regardless of the fractional representation of the currency exchange rate. Thus, 1.3000 to 1.3010 is the same move in pips terms as 110.00 to 110.10 For example, the bid/ask quote of EUR/USD might be 1.2200/1.2203. Minimum trading size for most deals is usually $1,000,000.
Learning The Basics At A Forex Seminar
In fact, gaining insight from as many groups of people could prove to be the decisive factor in the success of any trader. Analysts can offer well rounded knowledge that is based almost purely on fact whereas traders can give excellent advice based on their own first hand experience of Forex trading.
First time traders may find some of the more technical seminars to be daunting to say the least. Seminars have been established that cater solely to beginners and are presented in such a way that novices will gain a lot of information from every step of the program.
Conversely, a Forex seminar designed for experienced traders will be more likely to discuss impending fundamental news or new patterns that have been discovered during technical analysis. Again, this is all excellent information, but a little premature for the inexperienced Forex trader. Traders should ensure they utilize the right seminars to get real value.
Webinars are the latest addition to the Forex education arena. They are basically seminars hosted on the Internet. These are generally recorded to be played back at will by visitors to the website. While these may not present the usual question and answer sessions they do still impart news, information and resources upon the visitor.
Seminars are also usually broken down further than by technical experience or trading level. There will often be a separate Forex seminar for the technical analysts and further seminars for fundamental analysts and inter-market analysts. Traders often do choose to buck their own trend by visiting seminars they wouldn’t usually consider relevant to themselves. This provides them with information that may prove beneficial and that they would not have otherwise accessed.
As well as covering basic topics on Forex trading, seminars also help to identify the important aspects of data. This is true of fundamental and technical seminars. They will also teach traders that the actual result of certain fundamentals on markets are not as important as the perception that the market will take from that particular item. That is, data might be released that will mathematically see the price of the USD increase in the short term, however, if traders see that it will decrease over the long term the market may still predominantly lean towards the falling dollar. As a trader it is imperative to spot this kind of information.
Forex Trader Education, at, provides a valuable resource of information on many aspects of Forex trading. A lot of the content will have been covered in a Forex seminar in the past but the theory receives much more attention on the Forex Trader Education site than it did previously. This attention can help traders to determine how relevant the information really is.